Sunday, December 16, 2012

This week in football

Good day eh? This week in football, Chelsea lose to Corinthians, Ferguson strikes back, and Falcao faces off with Messi.

Well, the hope for Torres is gone. Wasn't that gone a lone time ago?, you might ask. Yea, I probably should've given up, but after scoring 5 goals in 3 games, I thought maybe... just maybe? But no. I should've known. It's one thing to score against Nordsjaelland, Sunderland and Monterrey. But he can't score in the big games. He is not a quality striker. However thin our midfield is, and inexperienced or old our back line is, Torres is the only reason why we aren't at the top of the table, and why today we weren't hoisting the trophy. He needs to go. That is the number one priority in the transfer window. Not to buy Falcao, but to find someone stupid enough to buy Torres. Although buying Falcao would be very nice. More about him latter. I was pleased however, because Benitez is trying David Luiz in the midfield. It makes sense. He provides the long balls that Torres loves, and also brings a more defensive, physical presence. He would be great there. So why didn't he play there today, against a physical Corinthians? Sometimes these decisions that the managers make baffle me.

While I speak of Falcao, I have the t.v. turned to the Atletico and Barca game. Radamael just hit a beautiful header of the post, and I have begun to think of how wonderful he could be at Chelsea. Then I think of how good Torres was at Liverpool. Maybe instead of setting record transfer and wages fees, Abrahomvic should take some advice from my favorite baseball-turned-soccer expert, Billy Beane, and play the so called "Moneyball". Save the expenses and buy a player of just as good quality for half the price. Maybe you won't have a man called the plain "50 million pound man." Not a bad idea uh?