Monday, September 19, 2011

Why Old Trafford is Old Trafford

Although the loss to Manchester United is disappointing, it is not demoralizing. To beat Manchester United at Old Trafford is a near impossible feat, so impossible that is has not happened in 18 games. Yes, Torres did miss 3 chances that could have brought on a draw, including an open net, but all is not to be blamed on Torres. Our defense was hardly up to par, and Ramires got in the way of a better positioned Sturridge, who also was not the familiar goal-scorer/creator. Also, on the first 2 goals Man U scored, Nani and Chris Smalling were both clearly offsides in the build up play to the goal. But, on the Nani, a weak challenge from Juan Mata, and Terry coming out to late all added up to overwhelm the missed call. However bad we may have been though, I am actually satisfied with the loss. Torres seems to be coming back, and new signings and young blood all add up for a long period of success to come. Another good thing to enjoy in the coming AVB era is that he has no setbacks by benching Lampard, Drogba and other long time employees. This will allow for width and freedom on the pitch.
I sign off now, and will be back next week.

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