Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Premier League Countdown: Top 5 Game of the Season Introduction

With the Premier League season just 3 weeks out, Pitch View is starting the countdown with a recap of the 5 best games of last season. To make this list, the game had to pass several tests; 1.) What was the quality of the game? If it was a stagnant, boring game, then how could it be on the list; also, one sided affairs really shouldn't make it, because it wasn't all around good, just one team totally dominating; for that reason Chelsea's 8-0 whooping of Aston Villa can't make the list. 2.) What was the significance of the game? West Brom 5-5 United may have had lots of goals, but on the last day, with the title decided a month before, really isn't as big as Chelsea 2-2 Tottenham. 3.) What teams were involved? I understand that a game between Swansea and Villa can be pleasing to the eye, but it can't carry the same weight that City v. Chelsea does. The games on this list are games that, when they are being replayed on t.v., you just must watch. So here we go.

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